Our B&B is situated in Vaiano (province of Prato) in via Giovanni Pascoli n. 9.

About 100 meter away from the train station of Vaiano and about 700 meters away from the nearest bus stop.

Source OpenStreetMap

Here below you will find some more information for reaching us by train, bus or plane.

By train:

From Bologna and Prato there are daily connections with Vaiano.
Travel time: about 1 hour from Bologna and 7 minutes from Prato.

From the train station it will take only 3 minutes walking to get to our B&B.

For information on train tickets and schedule: www.trenitalia.com

By bus:

From Prato central train station, line V – Valdibisenzio, travel time: about 30 minutes.

For information on bus tickets and schedule: www.capautolinee.it

By plane:

The nearest airports are: